O. INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS/ACTIVITIES 01: Review of the Best Practices on Educating Sustainability and Heritage02: Questionnaire for the State of Art03: Statements for Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness04: HERSUS Sharing Platform05: Book of courses06: International handbook for students on Research and Design for the Sustainability Heritage E. MULTIPLIER EVENTS E1: HERSUS Intro PresentationE2: Presentation of the professional profileE3: Open house IUAVE4a: Prize on Modern Heritage - Event CeremonyE4b: Prize on Modern Heritage - Exhibition catalogueE5: Open house UB-FAE6: Open house UCYE7: Open house AUTHE8: Open house USEE9: HERUS Final Presentation C. LEARNING/TEACHING/TRAINING ACTIVITIES C1: Seminar for Teachers: Teaching through design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage AwarenessC2: Student Workshop 1: Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban AreasC3: Student Workshop 2: Adaptive ReuseC4: Student Workshop 3: Resilience and Climate ChangeC5: Training for Teachers: Design Studio-based Methods and Techniques M. TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGS M1: Kick-off meetingM2: Design and development meeting 1M3: Design and development meeting 2M4: Design and development meeting 3M5: Synthesis meetingM6: Final meeting PMI. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION PMI1: Project Management protocolPMI2: Dissemination and communication planPMI3: Quality Assurance Plan ADDITIONAL RESULTS AD1: Student Handbook – REPROGRAMMING ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE within the Studio-based educationAD2: Proceeding of semestral projects – POST-INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE – TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE URBAN ZONE OF THE SENJSKI RUDNIKAD3: HERSUS DIGEST: A summary of project information, results and activities HERSUS. TIMELINE