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University of Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture
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Vladan Djokić

E3: Open house IUAV

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On 1 April 2023, in the framework of the IUAV OPEN DAY, the Iuav OPEN HOUSE activity of the international HERSUS project took place. For the occasion, the area dedicated to the University's Master's and Bachelor's degree courses in Architecture hosted Hersus posters, digital materials and postcards for the presentation of the 4 published Intellectual Outputs (01: Review of the Best Practices on Educating Sustainability and Heritage, 02: Questionnaire for the State of Art, 03: Statements for Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness, 04: HERSUS Sharing Platform), the 3 International Workshops (C2: Student Workshop 1: Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas; C3: Student Workshop 2: Adaptive Reuse; C4: Student Workshop 3: Resilience and Climate Change) and the dissemination activities of the project, such as international conferences (C1: Seminar for Teachers: Teaching through design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness; E1: HERSUS Intro Presentation; E2: Presentation of the professional profile) and awards (HERSUS International Prize on Modern Built Heritage). At the event participated more than 1.250 people, including students, parents and teachers from secondary schools and first and second-level university cycles.
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