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IO5: Book of courses

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HERSUS IO5 – Book of courses is the fifth HERSUS intellectual output, designed and developed in a form of Course/curriculum and Imaginary Study Program Concept. The development of the ”Book of courses” is in direct relation to the need for the introduction of innovative curriculums within the thematic framework of sustainability and heritage, among the partner organizations, and also other organizations in participating countries in Europe. The development of the IO5 is essential for the HEI system in European countries, for its alignment with European standards, and for creating opportunities for long-term partnerships between HEIs in the field of architectural and urban studies. The need for this output is also directly related to the objective to improve the practical arena of urban and architectural design.

The aim is to collect all experiences from the previous phases of the project (see Results section) in order to create sustainable academic courses, which would educate new generations of professionals. 

Regarding content, IO5 includes following course collections:

  • FUNDAMENTALS – theoretical unit, compulsory in its nature imagined as a framework and a foundation of the whole program;
  • DESIGN STUDIO – practical unit, elective in its nature imagined as a research-design core of the program; and
  • SPECIALISATION – an applied unit that covers all kinds of tools and assessments, as well as other technical, artistic, social, etc. methodological skills elective in nature intended to support design studio unit.
  • Comparative analysis of MASTER THESIS framework of HERSUS HEIs is provided, as well as DEMONSTRATIONS of existing practices of Design Studio; and
  • Additionally, SWOT Analysis of existing study programs of HERSUS partners is annexed to IO5.
MA STUDY PROGRAM on sustainability and heritage represents a plausible, but flexible and adaptive program that gathers the versatilities of 5 different Universities. It overlaps different disciplinary scopes, a multiscale approach that interlocks a variety of expertise, 5 different legislation frameworks, and a possibility to provide a multicultural and multisensorial experience for students and all other parties involved in the process, named MA IMAGINARY STUDY CONCEPT.
FIRST SEMESTER: linking heritage and sustainability
The 1st semester provides fundamental knowledge and skills in all aspects of heritage/ sustainability and their relation to architecture and urban design. The key issue for students is to focus on relations to the PAST and to understand WHY HERITAGE matters and how it is related to SUSTAINABILITY.
SECOND SEMESTER: linking heritage, sustainability, and people
The special focus in 2nd semester is on the relationship between the PAST and PRESENT, as well as how PEOPLE relate to heritage. CONTEXT, VALUES, AND USES of heritage are the key issues to be explored in order to help students learn how can built heritage be adjusted to the contemporary needs of PEOPLE AND SOCIETY.
THIRD SEMESTER: linking heritage, sustainability, people and environment
The role of the 3rd semester is to approach the concept of HERITAGE from the perspective of PROCESS and CHANGE and to establish links between the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. The special focus is on the everchanging ENVIRONMENT, as well as on the issues of uncertainty/risk/opportunities, and management of change through architecture and urban design.
FOURTH SEMESTER : Master thesis project
The role of the 4th semester is to show the understanding, and critically acclaimed individual perspective and perform a research-based design thesis in the field of architecture and urbanism with a focus on sustainability and heritage
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