On the 11th and 12th of May of 2023, the fifth project event series will take place at the Seville University, hosted at the Seville School of Architecture, and coordinated from the UNESCO Chair CREhAR, and supported by the five Higher Education Institution of the HERSUS project participating actively in all the sessions.
The following activities will be held during these events:
- Training for Teachers: Design Studio-based Methods and Techniques (C5): Learning, Training and Teaching Activity
- Transnational Project Meeting (M5): Synthesis Meeting
The ceremony of HERSUS Prize on Modern Heritage (E4): Multiplier Event; and the Open House University of Seville (E8): Multiplier Event will also take place.
The M5 synthesis meeting will focus on summarizing the various results of the project and present the possible future projection and continuity.
C5 Learning for Teachers presents one of the final activities of a HERSUS project. The leading organization will be the University of Seville, and the activity will take place in Sevilla, Spain. Participants involved in the Training include the members of teaching staff from Spain (specifically, the UNESCO Chair on Built Urban Heritage CREhAR in the digital era), two from each partner country of the Consortium.
This Intensive training programme for teaching staff will consist on round tables and shared dialogues; teachers are invited to present the final developed methodology within the IO5 Book of courses, and the alignment with the IO3 Statements for Teaching through Design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness. They will also deepen in the Master Thesis process and results, finding the synergies among the five universities, and working together on an integrated and shared approach, and finally reflecting on its implementation in curricula at the different schools of architecture of the Consortium.