HERSUS Consortium RECIEVED COMMENDATION FOR HERSUS PROJECT AND HSP PLATFORM ON 44th Salon of Architecture in category Research and Experimentation over 300 applied contributions.
The Salon of Architecture is the most important national annual event in the field of contemporary architecture, which has been continuously organized by the Museum of Applied Arts since 1974. The Salon provides a comprehensive cross-section of architectural production at the regional level with the guest participation of authors from the international scene. Within the competitive part of the program commendations within the envisaged categories are awarded.

Under this year’s slogan TURN (in Serbian: ZAOKRET), the 44th Salon of Architecture is dedicated to cooperation and active attitude towards contemporary trends in architectural design and action in the context of current social, economic and climatic challenges.
In order to include different perspectives and broader reflections on the role and position of the profession today, the concept of this year’s edition of the Salon of Architecture was designed through public and civil sector exchanges and close cooperation.
Through the eponymous research, together with the participants of the Salon, but also the wider architectural community, the Salon initiative is to look for answers to the following questions: what should it be like, and what is the current social role of the architectural and urban planning profession; how architects relate to the fact that long-term strategic thinking about building a society through the prism of common interest and well-being has lost its primacy in favor of market-oriented architecture; whether the need for a turn towards the evaluation of professional contributions in the domains of sustainability, circularity, social inclusion and responsibility is recognized or whether the perception of the success of the profession is based exclusively on the commercial value of the architectural product; how much the profession believes in its emancipatory, educational and visionary role and personal responsibility of the architect;
Focusing on the continuity of architectural thought and practice over time, the Museum of Applied Arts has nurtured this important event for years and built a bridge between tradition and modernity. By establishing more intensive intergenerational, intersectoral and international dialogue through curated exhibition, research, and accompanying program, 44. The Salon provides a better understanding of the evolution of the role of architecture through time and different social contexts, and strengthens the profession for the challenges.