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University of Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73/II,11120 Belgrade, RS
Contact Project Leader
Vladan Djokić

The Ninth Virtual Meeting of the HERSUS consortium

The 9th Internal Virtual Meeting of the HERSUS Programme board was held on 17th February 2022.

A total of 9 representatives participated in this event while meeting minutes and conclusions were distributed among individual partner institution teams.

This Internal Virtual Meeting of the HERSUS Program board was held with the intention to further elaborate IO5 Book of Courses development, and to discuss concept note for IO6 International handbook for students on Research and Design for the Sustainability Heritage development, E4: Prize on Modern Built Heritage and C3: Student Workshop 2: Adaptive Reuse that are ahead of HERSUS team.

The presentation of organizational aspects for IO5 development was followed by presentations for IO5, IO6, LTT3 and TPM3 plans and protocols, where all partners participated in the fruitful discussion.

The meeting agenda was structured on five parts:

  • IO5 reflections on protocol and template (UBFA)
  • IO6 proposal (USE)
  • Modern Prize proposal (USE)
  • Workshop Syllabus and TPM agenda proposal (UCY),
  • Brief discussion on ongoing activities: reporting, dissemination, IO4 regular update, etc


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