The HERSUS Prize awards best-practices in Europe on sustainability and cultural heritage in architectural and urban design: in academia, professional practice, and institutions. Specifically, HERSUS Prize deals with the subject of Modern Heritage, defined by UNESCO Modern Heritage Program as “Architecture, Town Planning and Landscape Design of the 19th and 20th Century.”
The main objective of HERSUS Prize is to contribute to a greater visibility and awareness regarding Modern Heritage by awarding projects and initiatives that approach Modern Heritage on innovative and sustainable ways.
The awarded proposals will be part of both an itinerant exhibition and a catalogue, which will also contribute to reach a broader audience and to leave a trail for further research and action within Modern Heritage.
Deadline for submission is extended until 15th of February 2023
All information regarding Award categories, Eligibility, Criteria, International jury, Submission system and Guidelines & templates are available on HERSUS Sharing Platform:
This category awards Master Diploma Projects or Thesis developed in the framework of Master level study programs in the field of Architectural and Urban Design at Higher Education Institutions in Europe. The object of study must be located within the geographical scope of the Council of Europe
This category awards Innovative Teaching and Pedagogical Practices implemented as curricular activities, with ECTS recognition implemented as curricular activities with ECTS recognition at Higher Education Institutions. The institution must be located within the geographical scope of the Council of Europe
This category awards one built project dealing with Modern Heritage (19th – 20th Century) completed between 2018 and 2022. The projects must be located within the geographical scope of the Council of Europe
This category recognises individual researchers or research institution that developed his/her work within the scope of Modern Heritage and from a state member of the Council of Europe
Apply now through HERSUS Sharing Platform